Brought to you by Global Jewellery Fintech Ltd. - H.K. Patent Pending # 220200088
Brought to you by Global Jewellery Fintech Ltd. - H.K. Patent Pending # 220200088
We are a fintech startup in Hong Kong with three ambitious, innovative, and passionate founders. We are all senior executives with expertise in jewelry retail, wholesale, manufacturing and export business for more than 20 years.
For full value guarantee program at jewellery trade show service, please call us for full solution.
這是一个创新特许服务, 适用于全球各地金銀珠宝零售业的营销模式, 請先扫一下左边(或上面)的二維碼, 看看視頻介紹, 就能完全明白我們的保值与升值服务是如何为消費者帶來非凡好处!
In today’s global jewellery, diamond and gemstone consumer market, there is no value guarantee, and the risk of falling value is borne by consumers themselves. This Value Assurance Service is not only good for consumers, but also brings more business to retailers franchised to use this unique marketing service by block chain technology. The application scenario of this business model is protecting the consumer of their purchases will only benefit from value appreciation and not suffer any losses, which will certainly be welcomed by the consumer market.
这个区块链创新创科服务能保证消费者所买的黄金珠宝首饰以至钻石玉器,保证保值, 一年内下跌的话, 可取回下跌价差之金钱; 涨了消费者就当然开心兼获利…岀来的效果尤如买后只赚不赔…定必令使用这特许保值服务的零售店之产品大受消费市场欢迎,货如轮转, 不在话下。
我们将客人所购入的珠宝玉石产品与国际黄金现货价格的升跌, 同步挂勾, 以客人购买当天的国际黄金现货价格为保证保值参考价, 换句话说, 购买后, 国际黄金现货价格上升, 客人所购买的产品也同时升值; 国际黄金现货价格下跌, 客人所购买的产品也同时贬值了, 但因为有了【保值】保证, 所以客人可以取回下跌价差的金錢, 做到保值的保障; 至於升值獲利又是如何做得到, 假如一年內国际黄金现货价格上升了百份之十 , 消費者取得原購買價格百份之十升值价差之金錢, 做到【升值】获利的实际效果, 而且还可以在每年保值期届满时, 办理延续保值升值服务
The main force of the team consists of three people, Benson Chow (Founder & CEO, the former general manager of the Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association), Ken Wong, CTO (former director of TSL Jewelry Group) and Larry Chan, COO (Jewelry Trade Show Specialist), who have an average of more than 20 years of senior executive experience in different positions in Hong Kong jewelry industry.
團隊主力由三人組成, 周权/黃錦雄/陳兆荣三位在香港珠寶行業的不同崗位平均有20年以上的高管經驗,对全球珠宝营销市场有深度认识和实操经验。
《價值保證》這張大皇牌, 造就我們授權使用特許保值服務的零售連鎖店有跨越式的競爭力大幅度提升, 更重要是同時為全球金銀珠寶消費者, 實現他們最嚮往的兩大素願【保值】與【升值】!
China Jewelry Demand Intact Amid China's Reset - Morgan Stanley
中国香港九龙观塘成业街19-21, 成业工业大廈1309室
Meets us at 1309, 13/F., Shing Yip Industrial Building, 19-21 Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HKSAR
Call +852 23658119/+86 15012513868
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